def main():
Today is our 1st anniversary,but I lack the skills of js,
so I copy the site to write some code for our love story.
I = boy('Xiao')
u = girl('Li')
# Summer of 2003,I know about you.
# Sep 14, 2012,I meet you again in my college.
# The half of the year we conquer the hardships together.
# I really feel bad when you leave me.
I.mood = shit
# I make sure that you are the right one.
I.Lover = u
# Aug 13,2013,I date you,we have a dinner.
# Sep 19,2013,the mid-autumn festival,
# I clearly remember the night and the moon.
# What a wonderful night.
# I think you are the right one without doubt.
u.Lover = I
# I love you.
while True:
I.Love += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
Li, I have fallen in love with you for
I love you.
- Xiao